2016: Master of Sensorial Theatre and the Significant Coincidence
University of Girona, Spain
2010- 2011: Bachelor of Fine Art (Sculpture) (disc.)
Monash University, Melbourne
2008-2009: Diploma of Visual Art, Swinburne University, Melbourne
Specialist Training
2023- Psychopathology Dell'arte with Giovanni Fusetti
2020- Movement, Mechanics & Shadow for puppetry
2017- Puppetry and Movement Masterclass with Stephen Mottram Barcelona
2015- Bouffon Masterclass with Phillipe Gaulier- Kuala Lumpur
2015- Theatre of the Oppressed Jokering Intensive- QSE, Brisbane
2014-Writing for Forum Theatre- Cardboard Citizens, UK
2014-Modern Commedia Dell’Arte- Theatre Hotel Courage, Paris
2013- Mask dance and performance- Ida Bagus Anom, Indonesia.
2012- Butoh dance theatre intensive with Dairakudakan. (Japan)
2012: Company Internship
Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre, Brisbane
2011: Certificate in Physical Theatre
Total Theatre: The Annie Stainer School of Physical Theatre, WA
Winner, Best Participatory Work For Families (Polyglot's Pram People)
- Melbourne Fringe Festival 2022
Nominated for Best Female Actor in Supporting Role (1001 Nights, QTC)
-Matilda Awards, Queensland.
Key Projects
2024- Assistant Director- Melbourne Theatre Company's production of English- Southbank Theatre
2023- Co-development and performance of Tilman Robinson's You Never Listen- Brunswick Mechanics Institute
2019- Present- Core artistic and performance member of Polyglot Theatre Company
2022- Key artist- Peter Macmillan hospital x Centre for Projection Art creative development for projection installation by+for young cancer patients
2022- Lead artist- Project design and delivery for Wyndham City Council- tiny theatre making from concept to exhibition, ages 7-70
2021- Performer- Patch Theatre's The Lighthouse, Arts Centre Melbourne
2021- Performer- Born In a Taxi's Butterfly House, Stonnington City Council
2021- Cultural consultant and actor- QTC's PlayClub performance of Family Values by David Williamson
2019- Dramaturge and consultant on Resistance Transmission by BlackWhite&Blue Space- Due West Festival
2019- Lead actor and deviser for Baran Theatre’s Tower of Babel (Metro Arts, Brisbane)
2019- Consultant, performer and mask design for Justin Marshall and Aviva Endean’s work Sonic Labyrinth (Castlemaine State Festival, Melbourne Fringe)
2019- Key artist/collaborator of new cross-generational experience Mapping Memories, Artplay Melbourne
2018/19- Performer of one and two hander touring shows for Commedia Dell’Arte company Make a Scene.
2017- Concept, creation and performance of The Rambler; Itinerant Theatre House, a multipurpose towable theatre housing new immersive installation and live performance work (Castlemaine Winter Festival, Falls Festival, Benalla Festival)
2017- Cast member of Vis & Ramin, directed by Nasim Khosravi. Baran Theatre, FCAC, Melbourne
2017-Creator and performer of Tina’s Tiny Theatre- The Village @ Falls Festival, Benalla State Festival, Kids Arty Farty Festival, Castlemaine Winter festival, Geelong After Dark
2017-Present- Freelance performer for various companies such as Snuff Puppets (Wedhus Gembel) The Indirect Object (Fresh Mountain Breeze), Alone (L.A), Dan Goronszy (Gutzy!)
2017- Creator- Fashion in the Dark- a new performance-art work for Virgin Fashion Festival event The Fabulon
2017- Facilitator of Flag Youth Theatre’s theatre in schools program for disadvantaged youth
2016/17- Facilitator and co-performer for Full-on Theatre’s Raise The HeArt project, addressing youth violence and extremism.
2016- Cast member- The Echo of the Shadow by Teatro de Los Sentidos (Spain), Melbourne International Arts Festival
2015- Concept, build and performance of Installation/Performance work The Confessional, presented at Found Festival of Art, Melbourne
2015- Creator and director of The Arc of Waking, an immersive theatre experience at the Old Gaol, Alice Springs
2015- Co-deviser and performer for Perth Theatre Company’s stage production From The Rubble, PICA
2014- Artist in Residence at Pips:LAB, Netherlands
2014-Co-creator- ‘D.E.X.’ interactive Virtual Reality installation, Amsterdam
2014- Key creative collaborator-Fleur Elise Noble’s development of the stage production Rooman -
2013- Perth Theatre Company’s Development of Operation Zebra
2013- Queensland Theatre Company’s production of 1001 Nights directed by Micheal Futcher- Ensemble member
2012- Concept and Performance- Scattered Shadows- 2high Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse
English, Spanish and Farsi (Persian)